Friday, March 19, 2010

Lord of the Rings, The Forces of Light Pt 1

Once again, these are mostly older paint jobs. Newer work will be forthcoming. Once I take some pictures.


Kings of Men

Frodo Baggins

Beregond of the Guard

Merriadoc, Squire of Rohan

Gamling, Standard Bearer of Rohan

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lord of the Rings, The Forces of Darkness Pt 1

Most of these represent earlier work of mine. I haven't fresh painted a Lord of the Rings figure in quite some time.

The Dark Lord, Sauron

Saruman The White

Grima Wormtongue


A New Beginning

The purpose of this is to be a portfolio of the work I have modeled/painted. So, starting after this post, there will be galleries of photos of my painted works. Enjoy and feel free to comment.