Sunday, January 20, 2013

Some Army Updates

So this is just some updates on my 40k armies and things I'm working on for them.

First up, a couple of things for my Lamenters!

The Rhino for my tactical squad

The WIP on my Sanguinary Priest

My Eldrad Uthran stand in. I'm quite happy with him! Just needs a few extra details.

 Kitbashed Wraithguard
 Primary part is Necron Immortals, then I cast up a few peices that I built to make them more Wraithguard-y
I'm quite happy with them.
 Size comparison with a Warlock.


So I played my first instructional game of Warmachine tonight (no battle pics). I'm thinking I'm going to cut out one of my 40k nights to go to Warmahordes nights at one of the other stores around here. It'll be good to have a back up game to play so I don't get burnt out on 40k. I'm also thinking of starting Infinity.

Any how, here are some pics of my Menoth starter force!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Dragon's Keep Lehi, Apocalypse Game

Here are some pictures I took of the Apoc game we played on 4 Jan at Dragon's Keep in Lehi, UT!

It was Eldar and Guard versus Chaos and Necrons. We didn't bother to total up points as everything but the titans was pretty much fodder. 
 A view of the battle field from MEV. Between the legs of our Warlord Titan looking at the oncoming Chaos Banelord.

 Necrons holed up in the Fortress of Redemption, waiting for a chance to teleport behind enemy lines.

 The Imperial/Eldar lines suffered greatly from very large blast templates. 

 A contingent of Wriaths and Rhinos make a flanking action up the side of the board. 

The Monolith was immobilized early on by a Baneblade and made completely useless.  

Filling in the gaps to try to prevent those Necrons from teleporting in behind us.  

The forces of Chaos attempt to close the gap to bring their close combat weapon to bear on the Warlord titan. 

Though Marbo didn't accomplish much (and got himself blasted to death) the Stormtrooper squads managed to lay waste to the Rhinos/Vindicator. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Played a Game

I've actually played a good number of them with my Eldar now, but I took some shots and thought I'd post them here. Maybe I'll even do a battle report sometime! Who knows!

So I like buildings in the terrain. Not a lot. It doesn't have to be a City of Death by any means, but they do make things more interesting.

Here we are after a turn 2 I think. We were playing The Relic from short table ends and my speedy Eldar were very well suited to the table. I was playing against Steve's Tau and they were shooting me to pieces!

The view from the back of my Wave Serpent where my Fire Dragons had just unloaded.

The view of my Fire Dragons from the MASSIVE amount of shots they were about to take.

This is the end of turn 4. My jetbikes swooped in and grabbed the objective, my Dire Avengers managed to defeat the Tau Warlord in melee combat. Netting me a total of 4 VP. Steve ended with 2 points for First Blood and Kill the Warlord. If I hadn't been able to get the objective away I'd have very likely lost. Those Broadsides were making mincemeat of me. Fortunately Night Fight saved me from any first turn salvos.