Thursday, February 21, 2013

Army of the Righteous

Just adding a few units to my Menoth Army of the Righteous. I'm really liking the way they're coming along.

I have a full Choir of finish and then I need to add some Holy Zealots and Temple Flameguard to boost up my infantry. I'd also like to add some different jacks. Maybe replace my Repenters with Redeemers and Castigators.


High Paladin Darton Vilmon

Paladins of the Wall

Paladin of the Wall (Variant)

Sunday, February 17, 2013


I have a whole bunch of army updates to post up for anyone who actually reads this with me :)

I finished up my current Lamenter army.


Sanguinary Priest

10 man Tac Squad


5 man Assault Squad

5 man Death Company

Sanguinary Guard 

I've also been working on my Warmachine stuff. I've converted to the fiery ways of Menoth. PURGE THE UNCLEAN! BURN THE UNBELIEVER! And what not.

So, I decided I want to run an Army of the Righteous and got to work on it.

The Harbinger of Menoth

The Avatar of Menoth

And another Repenter that I painted up (but did not nearly clean enough)

I'm also working on my Choir of Menoth and a few Paladins with Dartan Vilmon. I need to add some Zealots and Flameguard so that I can take them all, but in the mean time I'm having fun with it.