Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Showcase of a Model I Painted!

Well, sort of anyways. Another artist painted it, but I did a bunch of fixes to meet the client's specifications.

It has since has some additional changes made to it. If I can get a chance tomorrow, I'll try and snap a pic.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Upcoming Info

You guys may not know, but I now work at a studio that produces miniatures!

I'm a painter there and so spend most of my time painting.

Given this, I plan to start taking picture of the things I complete at work to show here, so you can all see what I'm up to still.

I'm still painting my own stuff as well, just not as often. I also burned out one of the lamps on my light box and haven't had a chance to see if I can still use it.

I'll be moving again in a couple of weeks and after I unpack I'll give it a shot to see if I can still share my pictures here.

In the mean time, I'll throw in some pictures of things that I've already completed* at the studio!
*These are all projects I either completed solo or completed most of.

There should be a LOT more to come, as I've started playing Vampire Counts in WHF, have two different Pano armies and an Aleph army for Infinity and am still adding to my Eldar and Lamanters for 40k. Unfortunately, I don't play much of Warmachine anymore, which is a shame.