Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Sons of Medusa Commission Project

Wow, it's been a while since I've added anything to this.

So, to say sorry, this is a Sons of Medusa army that I painted for work! The client liked it so much that he's planning on getting some more and I'm working forward to painting them up for him. It's a fun scheme and was a joy to paint. Keep in mind that every available option was magnetized and painted for these models, so there are a lot of bits that aren't shown in these pictures.

I'll be selling off my Lamenters as soon as I finish painting everything that I have available for them, so if you or someone you know is into Blood Angels successor chapters, shoot me a comment or message and let me know if you'd be interested in a price or anything. Once they're all done I'll get some finished pictures of the army up here for you all to see. Also, they make an appearance on the Blue Table Painting Youtube channel, so keep an eye out there as well!